Happy spring to the Growing Chefs community!
I’m so happy to be back in my role of Co-Executive Director at Growing Chefs after my parental leave. I have returned to an organization that is branching out while remaining firmly rooted in our mission, and having a little one at home is a daily reminder of how valuable our programs are to B.C. kids.
We hope you enjoy our annual spring newsletter where you can find exciting ways to champion edible education this month, program highlights from our Classroom Gardening & Cooking Program and LunchLAB, and a sneak peek to upcoming events this year!
– Jaydeen Williams, Co-Executive Director, Communications & Engagement
This spring we’re Rootin’ For Radishes! Become a Champion Radish (monthly donor) and support B.C. kids and communities today!
This spring we’re Rootin’ for Radishes!
You may have heard of daikon or easter egg radishes, but there’s a special variety of radishes that pack an even greater punch and they’re called Champion Radishes!
Join our monthly donor program, The Champion Radish Club, to seed change this spring! Becoming a Champion Radish is easy and provides maximum impact. Monthly donations provide a steady stream of income to help us to educate kids, families, and their communities about local food systems. These gifts provide sustainable and reliable funds, facilitate program planning and implementation, and help us lower administrative costs.
We are thrilled to have over 100 Champion Radish donors working together to support our mission of impactful edible education! Small, regular donations can lead to big results whether your budget allows for $5, $20, $50, or $100. You can also easily change the donation amount or withdrawal date, or even pause your scheduled donation at any time.
Become a monthly donor for as little as $5/month
Increase your monthly donation
Refer a friend to become a monthly donor
For the month of March, CanadaHelps is running ‘Make It Monthly’, where every new monthly donation of $20 or more will be boosted by $20 and increases of $10 or more from pre-existing monthly donors are boosted by $10. Join today and help us reach our goal of 125 Champion Radishes!
Upcoming Growing Chefs event dates
Save these dates!
Sunday, April 28th: Growing Chefs and ONE TO ONE will be hosting a virtual event with Nadia L. Hohn, editor of The Antiracist Kitchen. This book features 21 different stories and recipes from kids celebrating food, cultures, and resistance. We hope you join us for an afternoon of food literacy and justice; more information to come!
Sunday, October 6th: We are so excited to announce the date for our 15th Annual From Farms to Forks gala! Be sure to mark your calendars for a spectacular harvest kitchen party that brings together local chefs, growers, and makers for an evening of delightful tasting plates and pairings.
Growing Chefs volunteer with student in Classroom Gardening & Cooking Program
We’re looking for volunteers!
Are you looking to deepen your impact with Growing Chefs and Edible Education? Join our community and volunteer!
Volunteer for the Classroom Gardening & Cooking Program (click to learn more): Facilitate four lessons across four consecutive weeks. Lessons run on the same day and time every week, either in the late morning or early afternoon. Three-hour weekly commitment during the four-week session. Volunteer orientation provided.
Volunteer for LunchLAB (click to learn more): Sign-up for 2-4 hour lunchtime shifts Tuesdays–Fridays at Lord Roberts or John Norquay Elementary Schools (lunch included). Volunteer orientation provided.
LunchLAB Chef-in-Residence Tahani Alkashef at John Norquay Elementary School for Nowruz feast.
What’s growing on in schools?
We are thrilled to announce our new LunchLAB Chef-in-Residence at Lord Roberts Elementary School, Chef Tahani Alkashef!
We welcomed new student chefs who learned kitchen and food safety, cooked diverse cultural dishes, and explored all their senses while eating.
We celebrated Nowruz, Persian New Year, at Norquay with a feast featuring Persian Rice, Baharat Spice Chicken, and Vegan Tomato Stew.
Thanks to a great turnout of volunteers, LunchLAB Norquay will be expanding to serve 200 students nourishing, accessible, and culturally-relevant meals!
Classroom Gardening & Cooking Program:
Last week, we wrapped the first run of our spring classroom programming where our team visited four classrooms over the past month.
While students head off for spring break, our team will be making adjustments to our curriculum, ensuring everything is ready to go when we visit new classrooms!
Each year, generous families and businesses donate to adopt a Growing Chefs classroom. These funds support the edible education experience for up to 25 B.C. kids through our Classroom Gardening & Cooking Program. Contact Afton Bell to learn how you can Adopt a Classroom.
Thank you to our 2024 Adopt a Classroom donors: Barbara Mackenzie, Connor, Clark & Lunn, Mary and Gordon Christopher Foundation, and Les Dames d'Escoffier.
Growing Chefs Co-Executive Director Amanda Adams on CBC On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko.
What’s growing on in the news?
Our very own Co-Executive Director of Programs & Operations, Amanda Adams, joined Gloria Macarenko on CBC On the Coast to discuss how edible education programs like LunchLAB are vital for our communities. A fantastic and informative 7 minute segment, listen below!
Today is the first day of spring, which means it’s time to celebrate Nowruz!
Nowruz, also known as Iranian or Persian New Year, is a celebration of spring’s arrival and brighter days ahead. One of the best parts of any New Year celebration is the food. Days heading into Nowruz, families begin working on an assortment of cookies in different colours, shapes, textures, and flavours.
To celebrate Nowruz, we asked the people behind Delara, one of our favourite Persian restaurants in Vancouver, to share a recipe from their Nowruz-themed cookie bundle!
Toot cookie recipe for Nowruz from Delara.
Wishing our entire Growing Chefs community a fruitful spring with plentiful gardens, community connection, and ongoing learning.